Content marketing internationally: How to inspire a diverse audience


Globalization has changed almost every aspect of the corporate landscape over the past few decades.

Today, it’s possible to buy products and services internationally thanks to the increased prevalence of the internet and international shipping. 

There are many effects of globalization on business, the most important one being that it leads to increased competition.

Therefore, in 2021, companies cannot afford to be complacent when it comes to targeting international clients.

The internet is one of the best ways to reach clients around the world. While digital marketing is accessible to potential clients globally, you need to make sure that you optimize your content to meet the varied needs of a diverse, international audience.

If your business wants to start marketing its services internationally, here are some practical tips for making content marketing internationally straightforward and simple. 

Choose The Right Countries To Target

Almost everyone in the world can access your website online, but that doesn’t mean that you’re selling to everyone in the world. Logistically, you need to target specific markets, as you won’t be able to ship your products or provide your services to everyone in the world. Even if you offer remote support, you’ll need to select specific countries to target with your offering and content marketing. So, before you begin creating international content marketing campaigns, you need to choose the right countries that will be responsive to your company’s offering. 

Understand Your Audience 

Once you know where you will be selling your products and services, you need to conduct market research, just as you did in your domestic market. Every region has a different culture and unique requirements, so you need to make sure that you understand your target audience. When you’re marketing internationally, you need to choose the countries that you want to target and then learn more about your audience in the region. Conduct market research and learn about the expectations of customers in the country and what competition you face. Armed with this information, you can make informed choices about what content to produce. 

Research The Local Culture

As well as understanding the corporate market in your target region, it would help if you also learned more about the culture and sensibilities of your target market. After all, every country has different superstitions and taboos, and you need to learn about them to ensure that your content always engages readers and doesn’t alienate them. 

Hire International Digital Marketing Agencies

If you’re targeting a specific region, you should try to use local knowledge to your advantage. As part of this focus, you could consider using a digital marketing agency based in your target county. 

For instance, if you’re aiming to reach potential clients in Dubai, then Chain Reaction could be the ideal agency. The team specializes in SEO in Dubai so that you can get the benefits of its expertise and understanding of both search engine optimization and Dubai culture. This level of knowledge is best obtained by those who are based directly in the area you’re looking to target. 

Use Professional Translation Services

For countries where English isn’t the native language, you should consider translating your website and online promotional content. By translating it into the most spoken language in the region you’re targeting, you’ll be able to interact with an even wider range of potential clients. However, you need to make sure that you translate your content accurately. Automated translation tools often struggle with natural language processing and colloquiums, so you should use a professional translation service to ensure that your content is always accurate and well-written.  

Stay Up To Date With The Latest Global Content Marketing Techniques 

Content marketing is a constantly evolving market, with new tools and techniques launched regularly. As such, if you want both your domestic and international content marketing strategies to succeed, you need to make sure that your company is up to date with the latest developments. The easiest way to do this is to follow some of the best content marketing blogs from around the world.
