Why should children learn how to ride horses?


The bond between animals and humans is a sacred one, and that is something that should be passed down from generation to generation. But horses could present the best way for children to improve values in their life and also educate them about roles and responsibilities.

In this day of age when children are reluctant to experience the outdoors, the question of whether your child should experience something new and trade the soft for a saddle should be asked. But, how could it benefit your child? Here are just some of the many ways that you can expect long-term benefits.

Health Benefits

You would be forgiven for thinking that it is the horse doing all the work, but in fact, it has long-standing health benefits to the rider too; which means it is a perfect way for children to become physically active. It is a marvellous isometric exercise and requires the rider to fully utilise all their core muscles, as well as the pelvic and inner thigh muscles to ensure that balance is maintained on the horse. Along with maintaining muscle tone and flexibility, it also improves posture for the rider; which could have long-term advantages and prevention form back injury later in life.

Those who follow horse racing results would be quick to notice that most jockeys use a squatting position when they are later in the race, and this can also be learnt with children as they grow older. Squatting on the horse can burn more calories while adjusting to the horse’s movement is also another advanced way to become healthier.

Character Building

A survey which was conducted in 2006 by the American Youth Horse Council found that riding a horse or taking part in consistent equestrian activities can help develop a stronger character. Along with this, it also found that it can install valuable life skills into the child’s education. This is because horse riding rewards hard work with enjoyment.

Dealing with animals also creates a bond between the rider and the animal, and teaches children that it is vital to put the animals first. An essential part of horse riding is looking after the horse and ensuring that they are healthy; this includes feeding them and making sure that they are healthy; both lessons that children can take forward.

Of course, some children would be daunted by the prospect of getting close to an animal which is more than twice their size, however, once they take that first leap into the unknown, they begin to build a relationship with the equine animal, and this enables a bridge of trust to be made. This shows children the importance of trust, persistence and confidence. Children will believe that if they can achieve that goal, then they could achieve anything that they put their mind to; which is undoubtedly the biggest life lesson that anybody can learn.

It’s Fun

Let’s not forget, being a child is all about having fun and having positive memories that you can look back on with fondness, and horse riding offers that in abundances. Nowadays, children can spend days on end indoors playing on computer games, but horse riding is a brilliant opportunity for children to get outdoors and connect with nature and take in fresh air while participating in a healthy activity.

As a bonus, the memory of horse riding from a young age remains, and eventually stays with the children for the rest of their life. They can persist with it and create an adult hobby by riding horses into their later years. Meanwhile, if they are passionate about it they can pursue the hobby as a profession, and who could devoid their child of a possible lifelong dedication?
