5 tips for improving docker container management


Docker isn’t a simple platform. It has many things to be learned around it. At the same time, it’s very versatile and offers tons of options. That’s a good thing if you know what you’re doing, but if you still haven’t mastered the platform, you might have issues.

Still, this is the most popular container deployment tool in the world. All developers use it for their container management during app deployment. It’s a potent tool that offers a lot of flexibility. Don’t worry – learning how to use Docker is a process.

It lasts a long time, but in the end, it’s worth it, as it can make your job a lot easier. That’s why we’ve decided to share some essential tips that can help you use Docker for container management more effectively.

Use an Artifact Repository (Docker Registry)

Docker container management is all about managing artifacts, which is why developers must have a clear overview of the whole artifact lifecycle. At the same time, there might be a need for various
software package systems for management.

All this needs to be done with consistency. That’s where Docker registries come into play. Instead of storing artifacts as simple files, an artifact repository lets you version all of the files you store. It gives you a lot more control over them and helps you retrieve them in various ways.

The artifact repository is a target where you can deploy artifacts and a source of artifacts that you need for your whole build.

Use Virtual Private Servers

Not all of the things you can do to improve your container management are technical. For example, speed is an essential aspect when using docker, which is why virtual private servers or VPS can be
really useful. There are many VPSs that you can use to increase your bandwidth speed for your pushes and pulls. if your internet connection isn’t reliable, this is a must. At the same time, having great bandwidth
lets you have a seamless Docker process. By improving your speed, you are reducing the amount of downtime or any potential work loss caused by slow connectivity.

Optimize Docker Configuration

Docker is an open-source software that offers a lot of options. It can be customized for different applications to work flawlessly. However, you can’t expect to give you the best performance out of the box. That’s why you need to optimize its configuration before running the software.

Depending on your workloads, you need to configure Docker to ensure that you have all the resources needed. There are many cloud providers you can rely on to set up a variety of triggers for launching machines or modifying them when certain conditions have been met.

Analyze the Performance of the Application Before Your Start

An important thing every professional does before starting their build is finding the element within the infrastructure that’s affecting Docker’s performance. In many cases, the application or the infrastructure running within the container can affect Docker’s performance.

Simply put, you can’t expect poorly designed applications to be better just by using Docker. That’s why you need to analyze and evaluate the performance of the application before you start using Docker. To do this, use visualization tools as they can show you how software is being executed. Another way to evaluate performance is by looking at the application logs. They have various metadata through which you can learn more about the performance.

Make “Light” Docker Images

When it comes to docker images, you need to go back to the very beginning. It all starts with creating Dockerfiles. A Dockerfile includes many instructions that dictate how an image will be built. It determines included files, installation method, commands that can be used, networking features, and environment variables.

How your Dockerfile is set up has a great effect on the overall build-time. The larger and bulkier your docker image is, the slower your Docker builds will be. That’s why you should use the “dockerignore” command to exclude all of the files that are clunking your build.


These tips can help you make the most out of Docker. Still, you can learn many other things, but this is a good start, and you will see noticeable changes in your whole process. Keep learning new things and set up your Docker configuration according to your management process needs. Embrace uncertainty to improve productivity while testing out different approaches and seeing how they correlate with your overall workflow.
