When I taught at a community college or questionable state university, one of the things which surprised me was how many of my students did not want to be there. I don’t mean simply didn’t want to do homework, or study, or take tests…but even being on campus was a chore for them, something that was close to the last thing they wanted.
This wasn’t merely represented in the increasing unwillingness of students to buy books, or submit work, or attend class, but in the types of excuses I’d get. At a legitimate school, the reasons for missing class were along the lines of “Grandma died,” or “car accident right before class,” or otherwise pretty ironclad, but at the fake schools? The excuses were more along the lines of “it was raining” and “I had stuff to do.” I don’t want to come across as elitist but honest, the vast majority of kids on campus who don’t want to be there…shouldn’t be there.
A recent article lists 8 reasons not to go to university, and I’ll add some input:
1. They just want your money.
While the above is certainly true for most campuses (especially the for-profits), it is not, by itself, a good reason not to go.
2. You Can “Get Smart” For Free Online or At The Library
The above again has truth in it, but it depends on what you want to learn. If you’re all about Shakespeare, then, yes, your local library likely has everything you need. If you’re all about particular skills, then online is the way to go, particularly YouTube, which has an amazing array of skill-training videos available for free.
Now, you can’t actually learn skills just by watching videos, you need to actually practice the skill as well. Instead of paying $10,000 a semester tuition, you can spend a fraction of that to buy the materials you need—as an insult to injury, many schools charge a materials fee in addition to tuition for the courses that require such.
3. You May Be Tempted To Join Antifa If You Graduate And Under-Perform.
I’m quoting the article for the above reason, which yet again has a bit of truth in it, although it requires explanation. Many students on campus are taking far too many ideology courses—it’s not entirely their fault, because they’re actually being guided into such courses (no papers! Easy A! Pizza party instead of a final! I wish I were joking…).
They graduate with heads filled with ideology, and bank accounts empty of money. The ideology, unfortunately, makes them unemployable, and unwilling to gain skills worth anything. So, they have nothing to lose by joining a terrorist group and trying to overthrow the system, hoping to get “free stuff” from the government in the process. It not be Antifa, however, there are other lunatic fringe groups (eg, Democratic Socialists) that are quite attractive to desperate ideologues.
4. You’re Playing Musical Chairs With Limited White Collar Jobs.
The above is something they never tell you in the admissions process. For example, they’ll say things like “petroleum engineers make $100,000 a year,” and seeing those dollar signs, you enroll.
Trouble is, the school is enrolling 4,000 students into that program every year…while only 300 just jobs open up every year, with a dozen other schools also having vastly oversized programs.
It’s not hopeless, mind you, but the deck is stacked against you hard, so if you’re not exceptional (or better yet have family connections), realize you’re not getting the full story from the admissions office.
5. Lower Market Value Of A Degree
The above is simply a parallel to the 4th reason. Degrees were valuable when they were scarce (back when 15% of the population went to college), and are priced based on that scarcity. Trouble is, that scarcity no longer exists because now around 80% of the population goes to college, and yet the price of a degree has skyrocket (instead of dropped due to economy of scale).
Bottom line, even if you’re not trying to get a degree leading to a white collar job, the price of the degree generally far exceeds the value, and that’s a good reason not to get one.
6. Joke/Cultural Marxist Courses Are Everywhere
A college education used to mean something not simply due to scarcity, but because it was also an education. But now even if you’re majoring in a “serious” degree, you’re still quite often obligated to take ideological courses of no educational value.
Even if you’re not explicitly taking such courses, current job requirements for faculty involve “commitment to social justice,” which means many such faculty shove ideology into courses where it simply is not necessary. Even mathematics courses can involve discussion of how Hilary is great, for example…if ideology is being crammed into mathematics, I’m sure it’s in many other courses as well.
7. Better Long Term Security In The Trades
Granted, the above depends on why you’re going to college, but if you’re going to college to get a job, then, yes, learn a trade instead. A recent ad for welders says they make $80 an hour…and you don’t need 4 years of college to do it. I’ve done my share of hot, sweaty work (and I wish I could still do it, rather than be carved on and poisoned by an endless array of oncologists), but the bottom line is if you can repair of build things, you’ll probably find steady employment far more easily, for far more money, than if you can recite all 26 genders we have now.
8. You Are Still Gonna Start At The Bottom
The days where you could get an executive position right out of college (assuming you don’t have connections) are long past. Because our universities are now gargantuan institutions with tens of thousands of students, because “average” GPA is basically an A, you’re basically going to apply for a job with a thousand (or more) other recent graduates, with the same GPA. Granted, if you can distinguish yourself (for example, by having a last name of “Clinton”), that’ll help, but otherwise your prospects aren’t nearly as great as the registrar will tell you.
While the eight reasons given in the above article are fine, I’ll reiterate the primary and most important reason not to go to university:
You don’t want to go.