Do you need a data management strategy? Yes, here’s why


A bright and actionable data management strategy must be at the heart of every company’s records and information architecture, systems and procedures. In a business, the management must implement the right practices and have the right principles in place as these are critical elements in accomplishing tangible results speedily. Because enterprises are rapidly embracing the cloud, there is a greater need to integrate and master the data and more importantly have it secured.

It is safe to assume that having a data management strategy can put your company in a position of strength. Given the information overload that virtually every organisation is subject to today goes beyond social media and emails. For instance, accounting agencies deal with pressing number-crunching challenges each day. Manufacturers thrive on commodity pricing, while companies with razor-thin profit margins have to take a close look at their expenses regularly.

How a business manages to fare in its overall productivity mainly depends on the health of its document management strategy. In the absence of an approach, you may want to consider getting one. How can a data management strategy help you? Here’s how.

Cuts down confusion: Businesses can benefit from a team of people implementing specific guidelines on how their data can be managed. It is seen that numerous businesses are unable to maintain data accuracy. This is because there is a lack of agreement within heads of various departments within the company on the exact definition and guidelines of what data accuracy actually means. Some of the issues that companies face include:

  • who is responsible and in charge of accessing the data and altering it
  • if changes need to be made
  • Who has the ultimate authority on how data must be managed across the company.

Having a data management strategy can cut through the chaos and help departments adhere to the guidelines laid down by the approach.

Detect potential issues: A data management strategy can help your company protect itself from trouble before it spreads. The end-to-end encryption in a data management strategy offers robust protection of individual documents by encrypting the sensitive information throughout the life-cycle, from its capture to disposal. End-to-end encryption is an excellent way of securing highly confidential information that requires continuous protection throughout the data flow. It is a critical component of data security that can prevent potential issues before they arise. End-to-end encryption keys protect and safeguard confidential documents with the help of mathematical algorithms. This is why, high-risk documents must be secured with encryption that works as a targeted protection for data in use, without hindering system performance.

Create an annual review of audit: Since compliance is an ongoing activity, particularly when it comes to data and information management, you must have a yearly report and assessment of internal and external compliance, based on appropriate standards. Organisational data security standards must be based on international and national benchmarks that can help in measuring document management efficiency. A complete audit takes an impartial review of a company’s data-keeping policies and processes. Here, you can find out where it falls short, what can be improved, can it be made more efficient etc., while still complying with legal requirements.

Eliminate documents and PDFs at the end of the life-cycle: All forms of digital records are vulnerable to data breaches, just as physical reports are indefensible against theft and pilfer. While specific records may need to be kept indefinitely, most others must be destroyed after a prescribed period. Voyaging through the intricacy of digital document disposal and retention requirement can be a challenging task for most organisations. This is why it is critical that companies conduct due diligence in finding out these requirements, or use a proven document DRM solution that can work on their behalf automatically expiring documents at their end of life. This can help ensure that company policies are accurate and compliant.

Capture information without disruption: Since data within the system requires the involvement of users, it almost ensures engagement issues that can obstruct workflow, productivity and data maintenance efforts. An effective data management system can work in the background, appearing invisible to all end-users while effectively managing data in place across platforms, ranging from cloud storage, network drives, desktop computers, etc. thus enabling various departments and teams to work seamlessly, irrespective of where and how they work.


The security of company documents and their privacy risks are of great significance to every small and medium organisation. Faced with productivity losses, businesses across the globe are at high risk if they don’t implement data security. Implementing data protection methods in keeping with growing technological changes can secure sensitive data across creation, use, transmission and storage. A risk-based data security method that includes leading data protection solutions can efficiently safeguard your company’s documents and PDF files across their life-cycle.
