Everything you need to know about productivity in writing


Writing is not such a difficult to skill to obtain as long as you know how to read and write in your language at an average level. Yes, it is easy to write a piece, but writing a good one; that is a whole other story. Writing involves time, dedication and effort. It is important to know as a writer what your own personal methodology is when you need to sit and focus on your writing. Obviously, not everyone can work, study, perform etc. in the same way, so when it comes to writing it is important to get to know yourself as a an author and what your do’s and don’ts are. It is very important to come up with a routine that will make you productive and lead to a good efficient piece, here is all you need to know:

  • Good Environment. It is very important to know where “your place” is when you’re writing. Everyone has their own certain spots where they feel most comfortable and relaxed. Well it is very difficult to focus and write when you’re don’t feel like you’re in a warm safe space. Whether is in your room, in the office, in a park; it doesn’t even matter as long as you have all the things you need with you to write and a good internal feeling with yourself and your surroundings. This is an important thing because you are more likely to write something good quality when you feel like you’re in a good place.
  • Plan According To You. Nobody knows your daily cycle better than yourself. It is important to write in the times when you feel most productive. Some people prefer to work early in the morning because their heads are clear, they’ve had a good sleep, feel fresh and ready to focus; others prefer the evening. It makes a bigger difference than one would think. If your were to write in the middle of the day when you’re exhausted and have no energy or motivation and just want to relax, but get everything done as soon as possible; there will be no effort what so ever and the piece won’t be efficient. It might even take longer to write because it is simply not the right time of day for your thinking to be activated.
  • Get A Good Sleep. It is very important to be well rested when working. Nobody is capable of focusing and being motivated and inspired when all they can think about is going to sleep. Being well rested keeps your mind, imagination and creativity rested as well. Sleeping is also very good for your brain to process all information that it received throughout the day and makes sure when you wake up you will have a clear mind with your ideas organized which will make working a lot simpler and more logical.
  • Short-Term Goals. In order to keep your writing productive, the key is to set some small goals for yourself. Before writing you make a mental plan of what and how much you are going to write in that day. For instance, if you work for an essay writing service and your assignment is due on Friday, you have a week to write, you can stick to writing a couple hundred words per day. This way you won’t over write and once you finish you give your mind time to rest and come up with some new thoughts which you can just quickly jot down and take a night to sleep on it and be ready for the next couple hundred for tomorrow. It is a lot easier to do little by little rather than all at once because it is less time consuming, leaves you the rest of the day for other obligations and helps you be more productive when focusing on only one specific thing instead of multiple.
  • Go To Your Thinking Space. This all goes back to planning according to you. If your writing involves a lot of brainstorming, going to the place where you are mentally most free and creative is the best method to avoid writer’s block and simply getting some new ideas. For example, many people tend to claim that they feel their brain works most when they are taking a shower. It clears their minds, relaxes them and can make it a lot easier to form ideas. Other people think better when they are doing something: sports, hanging out with family and friends, watching movies and many more things. It is good to know what places makes your brain function the most and go to it when you’re in a situation that involves a lot of brainstorming.
  • Get Advice. Some writers like to keep their projects to themselves until the moment is is published. It is understable why, but it might also be helpful to read a small part of your piece or even just discuss the topic with someone. It could help broadening your perspective, gaining more ideas or simply realize if the idea is something that an audience would enjoy. People tend to feel more confident and have more assurance when they start to speak their mind to others.
  • Pre-Write Before You Write. There are two main issues that have been experienced by every write: Writer’s block and not knowing where to start. Writer’s block is a very common term, which basically means, being stuck and unable to write anything, because your mind is fully blank and idealess. Not knowing where to start is connected to writer’s block, but is a lot less severe. After writing for a day and then the next day continuing, you forget what your previous points were and your head is simply not in the same place as it was the day before so it leads to confusion. Something that could be very useful to šrevent that is to go back to the previous day’s work and read it over, maybe make some minor changes if something really stands out and it will automatically get the wheels to start spinning in your head.
  • Relax When You Finish. After finishing the daily writing goal, the best thing to do is to leave your work as it is and worry about the rest tomorrow. Some writers tend to have an instinct that as soon as they are done writing, they need to revise and re edit everything they did. While ideas a fresh in the mind it is important to let them flow into the page and keep letting it happen until the first draft is completely to its end. The creativity needs to have its own rhythm and if you try to change it, it will start to change your idea overall and the final piece will turn into something completely different than it was meant to be.
  • Know Your Limit. Once the daily goal is achieved it is good to stop writing and go to relaying and enjoying the rest of your day, if you feel the need to write more, it is not a bad thing, but it is important to not start overwriting because your brain begins to get tired and it starts to take you to another less energetic and concentrated place. Secondly, in the case that your daily writing is not going very well and you can’t seem to keep going and being productive, forcing yourself only makes things worse. The best solution is to stop and go distract yourself and then decide if you’re in the mood later or just continue tomorrow.
  • Stick To Your Goal. The final and most important steep is to stick to your goal! No matter what, make an effort to have a consistent schedule in order to not fall behind and leave everything for the last minute, because it leads to stress and confusion and doesn’t let your creative juices flow.

Writing involves a lot of work, time and dedication, which can be a challenge. What makes this challenge a lot easier on the other hand is that everything depend on you and the way you work. It is mainly important to be in a good environment, give yourself a starting push, be well rested and let things happen on their own instead of force oneself.
