Don’t let my students get angry, it’s nothing personal. But I’ve been teaching computer science for almost 20 years, and I see increasingly less computer skills. Questions like “Where did I save the file I just downloaded?” have become increasingly common in the classroom. And I’m not just saying that.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the idea of the “digital native” has been present in educational and technological discourse. American writer Mark Prensky coined the term in 2001 to describe generations born into a digital environment, assuming that their constant exposure to technology gave them innate skills in using it. This concept, although popular, has been widely debated and questioned in academic literature .
Simple familiarity with devices such as mobile phones and tablets does not necessarily imply the development of advanced digital skills or those adapted to professional environments.
Various essays and reports, such as the one from the European ECDL Foundation, refute the idea that digital competence is innate in young people and warn against the mistaken belief that using electronic devices for leisure time translates into skills applicable to the workplace.
Other experts, meanwhile, draw a key distinction between simply interacting with digital devices and developing critical skills such as content creation, problem-solving, and digital security.
Shame of not knowing
The myth of the digital native has also affected business perceptions of recent graduates’ skills. Many companies expect young people to be fluent in specific tools without additional training.
However, data from the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy indicates that a significant percentage of young people struggle with basic digital tasks, from managing documents in the cloud to using spreadsheets and presentation software .
And it’s not just difficulties. Young people from Generation Z (born approximately between 1997 and 2010) even experience shame or insecurity when faced with devices considered essential in the workplace, such as printers, scanners, or management programs. In the United States, it’s been dubbed Tech Shame .
Young people in the gap
The concept of the digital divide is not limited solely to the lack of access to technology; it also encompasses differences in its use and in the acquisition of skills necessary to effectively leverage it. For young people, this gap manifests itself in a lack of advanced skills in using essential computer tools in the workplace and in school.
One of the key factors in this digital divide is that while many institutions have integrated technological devices into the classroom, the teaching of advanced digital skills remains inadequate.
Digital literacy must go beyond the simple use of tools and encompass skills such as digital content creation, data management, and cybersecurity. However, these areas remain largely absent from educational programs.
Difficulties at work
The repercussions of this digital divide on the labor market are significant. According to the World Economic Forum , digital literacy is one of the most in-demand skills for the future of work.
Companies require professionals capable of handling specialized software , interpreting data, and adapting to constantly changing digital environments. However, many report difficulties finding candidates with the required skills, creating a disconnect between job supply and demand.
It also has an impact on employment equity, as young people with access to additional training in these areas have a competitive advantage over those who rely exclusively on formal education. This contributes to labor market segmentation, where access to well-paid opportunities is conditioned by digital skills training, reinforcing pre-existing inequalities .
To address these problems, it is necessary to rethink digital education within the education system and promote specific training programs that ensure the development of advanced and applied technological skills. Digital literacy must be considered an essential component in preparing new generations for today’s labor market.
Author Bio: Francisco José García Ull is Professor of Data Analytics, Privacy, Ethics, and AI at the European University