Children and Smartphones. How technology is shaping education


Today\’s children often know as much, if not more, about using smartphones as their parents. Kids not only use their parents\’ devices to play games, communicate with friends, and access information – they own their own devices. Research shows that nearly 80 percent of children between 12 and 15 own cell phones or smartphones. These devices get heavy use. Children often spend more than three hours a day using their mobile phones.

While adults spend nearly as much time with mobile media, children have gone beyond the behaviors modeled for them. Children and teenagers, for instance, use their mobile devices in ways similar to how their parents use them. Young people, however, also take advantage of features specifically designed for them. A whole subset of the mobile apps industry focuses on making products that appeal to kids.

Manufacturers that pay attention to this trend have responded by making smartphones that work well for children and adults. Even the latest mobile devices like the Nexus 9, for instance, has a soft grip back that makes it easier for small hands to hold the device comfortably. The phone\’s powerful 64-bit processor should also appeal to impatient children who want smartphones to respond instantly.

Smartphone trends offer a fascinating look into how technology has undergone a makeover to infiltrate the world of children while giving their parents some control over their online activities. Read more to learn about how mobile technology is shaping our kids\’ worlds.

