How to boost your team’s productivity


At the end of a workday, it can be difficult to tell what everyone has been up to. Did employee X complete all their tasks? Did employee Y finish that project they were working on last week? 

The problem is not just productivity — it’s also about who gets credit for their work. If you’re looking for ways to boost your team’s productivity and increase transparency within your organization, then read on.

Set And Track Attainable Goals

The first step to take for increasing productivity is to get clear on what you want your team to start working on. With these priorities defined, you can set achievable goals for your team to complete to make sure they’re on the right track. Remember, it’s easy to say you want people working on one thing, and then they end up doing something else instead.

There are various methods to track your employees’ progress toward goals, including productivity apps for pc or smartphones. With the best productivity applications, you can manage both office and remote workers from any place, ensuring they stay focused on the goals set. These tools also enable you to track progress, trends and areas where extra support may be needed. 

Use Employee Tracking Software

Employee productivity tracking software is an excellent method for boosting employees’ productivity. This kind of group productivity solution can track time and tasks efficiently via an intuitive interface. Employee monitoring is a crucial aspect of employee performance management because it helps managers know what employees do day-to-day. This helps spot trends and identify time wasted on unproductive habits like surfing online.

It’s important to note that employee monitoring should be used to help employees stay successful and productive in the workplace, not to micromanage. When using employee monitoring software for tracking productivity, there are two main factors to consider:

  • Employees must understand what is expected of them. Expectations for productivity and work etiquette must be communicated, so there won’t be any misunderstandings later on.
  • Make sure you’re following all applicable laws about employee privacy. Every jurisdiction has clear laws about what can and can’t be managed that you need to obey. Fortunately, leading monitoring software will have customizable privacy settings to make adherence easy.

Other than tracking software, you can deploy other corporate productivity tools to help you achieve your goal at the end of the day. With a combination of the best business productivity software, you will be able to improve your team’s productivity greatly. 

Foster An Employee-friendly Workplace

Many employees are working from home, so you need to make sure that there’s a good balance between the needs of those who work in the office and those who work remotely. For instance, if your company is currently not set up for remote workers, then it may be worth considering setting this as one of your goals. 

If you already have some remote employees, but they spend most of their time working in isolation, then consider adding collaborative tools to help them stay connected while making sure things still get done back at headquarters.

It’s also a good idea in our increasingly distributed working world to place extra emphasis on creating employee engagement activities. Whether that’s in-person meet-ups, company outings, or online team building activities.  

Create A Consistent Workflow Process

It can be difficult to manage and organize employee work when you don’t have an established, cohesive workflow process. Workflows help keep everyone informed about deadlines and who is responsible for what task – so it’s important that you establish one early on with your employees.

This will help keep everyone informed about what is due by which deadline, who is responsible for completing each task, and how much time those tasks require. It also helps ensure there isn’t any overlap or confusion between responsibilities. This can be achieved through employee meetings where team members have an opportunity to share their thoughts while building consensus around project timelines and other key items like budgeting expectations.

Technology like productivity software can also help streamline workflows, making it easier to develop time management activities to improve employees’ productivity. 

Listen To Your Employees

To boost employee productivity, team leaders should have occasional meetings with team members and maintain open, company-wide communications channels. 

By having designated feedback opportunities to discuss any issues or concerns, you will better address those problems and conflicts before they get too big. This type of established communications structure says to your employees that you value their input and that they play an integral role in setting company direction. It’s also a great way for you to be transparent about company direction and progress, which employees highly appreciate.

Establish Designated Communication Methods

It is important for your team to be on the same page regarding their work. It might sound like common sense, but in an increasingly remote working world, it requires extra attention.

If you have team members who are working remotely or in different time zones, be sure to have an easy way for team members to understand their varied locations. This includes making sure you have designated communication tools that everyone uses, for example one tool for chat and one for video — rather than multiple different tools for each.

Celebrate Accomplishments As Often As Possible

Lastly, the best way to keep your employees motivated and productive is by acknowledging their accomplishments. This makes them feel appreciated, and they will strive to do better next time. 

It’s a good idea to formalize your employee recognition process. For example, think about setting up a regular meeting to celebrate all the accomplishments made by your employees. Or setup a recognition program that rewards employees with things like free experiences, tickets to an event or even an extra day off!

Final words…

Boosting your team’s productivity requires you to put in the work. From teamwork to setting realistic and attainable goals, we have discussed some of the factors to ensure this happens. Try implementing most of them and you can discover a more motivated workforce. 
