How golf school can impact learning and education



Learning and education can be impacted by a variety of different things. Often sports are dissected to the most simple of levels so each and every fundamental can be worked on individually or combined with another fundamental. These fundamentals then become so ingrained in the athlete’s brain that they seem to come naturally when the big game is approaching. This begs the question that if this works in sports, then why don’t we apply it to the classroom? This is a valid question as many educational lessons, like mathematics, require some of the knowledge to be second nature. The best example of a sport that is broken down into multiple segments is that of golf. The following are some of the best ways that golf school can impact the process of learning and education.

No Fundamental Too Small

All too commonly a parent will hear that their child thinks that a fundamental isn’t necessary because it won’t be on a test. Golf strives to teach that there is no fundamental that is too small. A few strokes can be the difference between not placing at an amateur tournament and qualifying for a huge tournament. Golf teaches that something as simple as a follow-through can impact a game immensely. Applying these same principles to education can be life-changing for an individual.

Work on Your Weaknesses

It always seems much easier to work on something that you are proficient at rather than something that you struggle with. Golf teaches you to work your weaknesses until they are solid or even until they have become your strengths. The weaknesses that a person has, whether in education or golf, should be worked on even harder than the strengths. Turning weaknesses into strengths is the hallmark of many great athletes and even some great thinkers. Working the weaknesses that you have is imperative throughout life and not just education and golf.

Maintain and Improve Your Strengths

Although you will be working your weaknesses very frequently, it is important to work the bread and butter of your game. It is great to perfect your strengths as most likely this will be the way you will get ahead in golf. It is important in golf and education to not let your strengths slip and become weaknesses. This can often happen because students and golfers tend to neglect the strong part of their game to fix the weaknesses. Make sure to at least maintain your strengths while working on other things.

Mental Training

Golfers have to have one of the best mental games as well as their short and long game. Much like in education, a mental block on a subject or a specific hole can be self-fulfilling. At golf school, the pros will teach lessons that can be applied to the classroom about clearing your head from a bad shot or a bad midterm. Negative thinking can be devastating to a young person’s education or even an older person’s performance on the course.

Building on past success can also be good. The confidence gained from a great shot can be ridden for the rest of the round. This is much like a student doing great on the first test so they think of the class in a positive light for the rest of the year.

As you can see, a golf game can be micromanaged when it comes to fundamentals. This micromanagement will stop once the fundamentals have become second nature. This will not take as long as one would think. The same can be said with education, the fundamentals of English or mathematics will become second nature if stressed enough.
